销售谷歌与苹果开发者账号 | 客服TG@S3389 高稳定性新旧账号 | 快速上架Google Play与App Store | 安全迅速交易保证 | 白包与预装应用账号 | 客服TG@S3389

在当今的移动应用开发世界中,拥有一个可靠的谷歌或苹果开发者账号至关重要。In the current world of mobile app development, having a reliable Google or Apple developer account is crucial. 无论您是初创公司、独立开发者,还是大型企业,我们都能为您提供高稳定性的新旧开发者账号。Whether you are a startup, an independent developer, or a large enterprise, we can provide you with highly stable new and old developer accounts.

高稳定性新旧账号 High Stability New and Old Accounts

新账号 New Accounts

我们提供的全新注册的开发者账号,经过初步验证,确保其可靠性。Our newly registered developer accounts are pre-verified to ensure their reliability. 新账号适合那些刚刚进入应用开发领域的开发者或需要扩展账号数量的企业。New accounts are suitable for developers who are just entering the field of app development or for companies that need to expand their number of accounts.

旧账号 Old Accounts

我们的旧账号经过市场的考验,具备更高的稳定性。Our old accounts have been tested in the market and offer higher stability. 这些账号适合需要快速上线应用并希望避免账号初期审核问题的开发者。These accounts are ideal for developers who need to quickly launch apps and want to avoid initial account review issues.

带包与预装应用账号 Accounts with Packages and Preloaded Apps

带包账号 Accounts with Packages

带包账号中已经包含了发布应用的基础包,您可以在这些基础包的基础上进行二次开发和修改。Accounts with packages already include the basic package for app releases, allowing you to develop and modify on this basis. 这种方式不仅节省了时间,还能够避免很多初期审核的麻烦。This approach not only saves time but also avoids many initial review hassles.

预装应用账号 Accounts with Preloaded Apps

预装应用账号已经发布了一些应用,具备良好的应用记录。Accounts with preloaded apps have already released some applications and have a good application record. 使用这样的账号,您的新应用可以借助已有应用的良好记录,提升审核通过率和市场认可度。With such accounts, your new app can leverage the good record of existing apps to improve review pass rates and market recognition.

快速上架Google Play与App Store Rapid Listing on Google Play and App Store

无论是新账号还是旧账号,我们都致力于帮助开发者快速上架应用至Google Play和App Store。Whether new or old accounts, we are committed to helping developers quickly list their apps on Google Play and the App Store.

账号配置 Account Configuration

我们提供专业的账号配置服务,帮助您按照最佳实践设置开发者账号。We offer professional account configuration services to help you set up your developer account according to best practices.

应用审核 App Review

我们拥有丰富的应用审核经验,能够帮助您优化应用内容,提高审核通过率。We have extensive app review experience and can help you optimize your app content to improve review pass rates.

上架支持 Listing Support

在应用审核通过后,我们还提供上架支持服务,确保您的应用能够顺利上线。After the app passes review, we also provide listing support to ensure your app can be launched smoothly.

安全迅速交易保证 Secure and Fast Transaction Guarantee

在交易过程中,我们提供全面的安全保障措施,确保您的账号信息和交易资金的安全。During the transaction process, we provide comprehensive security measures to ensure the safety of your account information and transaction funds.

数据加密 Data Encryption

所有交易数据和账号信息均经过加密处理,确保您的隐私不被泄露。All transaction data and account information are encrypted to ensure your privacy is not compromised.

多种支付方式 Multiple Payment Methods

我们提供多种支付方式,包括信用卡、PayPal、比特币等,确保交易的安全性和可靠性。We offer multiple payment methods, including credit card, PayPal, Bitcoin, etc., to ensure the security and reliability of transactions.

交易保障 Transaction Guarantee

我们与多家知名支付平台合作,提供交易保障服务,确保您的资金安全。We work with several well-known payment platforms to provide transaction guarantee services to ensure your funds are secure.

结论 Conclusion

我们致力于为开发者提供高质量的谷歌和苹果开发者账号服务。We are committed to providing high-quality Google and Apple developer account services to developers. 无论您是新手开发者还是资深企业,我们都能满足您的需求。Whether you are a novice developer or an established enterprise, we can meet your needs. 通过我们的服务,您可以快速上架应用,确保交易安全,并获得全面的技术支持。With our services, you can quickly list your apps, ensure transaction security, and receive comprehensive technical support.

立即联系我们的客服TG: @S3389,获取更多信息和服务。Contact our customer service TG: @S3389 now for more information and services. 我们期待与您的合作,共同推动应用开发事业的发展。We look forward to working with you to advance the app development industry together.
